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Writing Assignment

The problem that I chose to solve with my degree is long wait times in emergency rooms. By using

the Business Model Generation, I was able to see exactly how I could solve that problems. The right side of the canvas is referred to as the company’s focus. While, the left side is referred to as the customer’s focus. The value propositions that I chose that will make an emergency room more appealing to a customer is speedy service, specialty services, and personalized customer experience.

The key partners that I chose were federal government funding, investors, and donators. All three of these partners are key resources for any public hospital. The key activities that I chose were meeting standard times, speedy registration, and communicating with patients about the wait times. A standard wait time would be established by the leadership team of the emergency room department. All employees must strive to meet the standard wait time for every patient. Registration is the ending process of emergency room visits for patients. It consists of a series of questions about payment plans and personal information that a hospital may need before discharging a patient. Communicating with patients about wait times will also keep patients updated and ease any agitation or frustration.

The customer relationships are personal, community, and direct. Personal relationships start with the medical doctor and patient or the nurse and the patient. Community relationships helps the community know that have their support. Direct relationships are between medical receptionist and patients when they first enter emergency rooms. All of these relationships can determine the patients overall experience in an emergency room

The customer segments within in emergency rooms would be trauma patients, patients with minor illness, and majorly ill patients. The channels that I chose were community benefits, televised commercials, and online media to support the emergency room to promote the company. Cost structures are the things that a company must pay for. The customer segments within an emergency room are technology, supplies/equipment, and salary for employees. While, the revenue streams are the money that the company makes. Revenue streams in emergency rooms include public health insurance payers, private health insurance payers, and out of pocket payers.


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