Players of the Game
Regional Player: Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
National Player: Davita Healthcare Partners
Local Players: Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, Capital Regional Medical Center, and Apalachee Center
1) Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
History & Founding: Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare, also known as TMH was founded on April 23, 1948 by five men and one woman. It was houseed in wooden barracks used by the military during World War II on an Air Force base known as Dale Mabry Field. Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare was officially open to the Tallahassee Community on November 4, 1949.
Description of Products & Services:
TMH's Emergency and Urgent Care Department is divided into three different centers- Bixler Trauma and Emergency Center,Emergency Center, and Urgent Care Center. The services provided include treatment for severe accidents/injuries, heart attack/chest pain, strokes, head/back injuries, trouble breathing, major illness,/injuries, posining, loss of consciousness, severe allergic reactions, minor illness/injuries, cold/flu,sprains/minor fractures, muscle aches/stomach pains, cuts/scrapes, and minor wounds.
Leadership Team:
Mark O' Bryant
Chief Executive Officer
Social Media Profile Name : N/A
Robert Moore
Vice President
Human Resources Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Cynthia Blaire
Vice President
Chief Improvement & Planning Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Don Lindsey
Vice President
Chief Information Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Jason Moore
Vice President
Chief Operating Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Paula Fortunas
President and CEO
TMH Foundation
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
William Giudice Vice President Chief Financial Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Warren Jones Vice President Chief Communications Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Barbara Alford Vice President Chief Nursing Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
Dean Watson, M.D. Vice President Chief Medical Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A
John Mahoney, M.D. Vice President Chief Integration Officer
Social Media Profile Name: N/A