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Intensions Paper

As a Health Care management major, I am so glad that I chose Mrs. White to be my professor! The style of her Principles of Management course is perfect for networking opputunities. Aswell as planning and critically thinking about how we as indiviuals can impact our future professional worlds. My number one long term goal is to see growth in myself while taking this course. While my short term goal is to assure that my final grade will be an A. I want to learn and absorb as much as I can from her. I want to start reaching out to possible mentors. And I want to step out of my usual "laid back" attitude and act more like a manager.

My short term goals outside of claass are to get more involved on campus, meet new people, rise my GPA, and to find the perfect Summer internship. My long term goals are to graduate with at least a 3.5 GPA in the Spring semester of 2017, starting my career, and to ultimately solve the problem in the healthcare world that I am passionate about. That problem is the lengthy wait time in healthcare facilities. Whether you are an emergency, nonemergency, in patient, or out paitent; I want you to know that we value your time also!


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